La constitution camerounaise pdf merge

Provinces, departements, arrondissements, districts. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Part one the state and sovereignty article one 1 the united republic of cameroon shall, with effect from the date of entry into force of this law, be known as republic of cameroon law no 841 of 4 february 1984. The following year the southern portion of neighboring british cameroon voted to merge with the new country to form the federal republic of cameroon. En 1966, lunion camerounaise uc devient lunion nationale camerounaise unc et est institutionnalisee comme parti unique.

Adopted in 1972, it is cameroons third constitution. The constitution outlines the rights guaranteed to cameroonian citizens, the symbols and official institutions of the country, the. Very few citizens have read the text, which a committee of experts drew up and parliament rapidly endorsed. In 1972, a new constitution replaced the federation with a unitary state, the united republic of cameroon. Constitutionmaking in cote divoire africa research institute. Clothing cameroon clothing is influenced by western clothing the area of cameroon which was under the influence of the west and was colonized, one finds a great impact of the western world, its culture and religion the traditional clothing of cameroon includes the kabba which is mostly worn by women in the confines of their homes. Contribution a letude des systemes africains dadministration publique, paris, lgdj, 1986. Cameroons constitution of 1972 with amendments through 2008. French cameroon became independent in 1960 as the republic of cameroon. The document consists of a preamble and parts, each divided into articles. Constitution du 18 janvier 1996 preambule le peuple camerounais. We, the people of cameroon, proud of our linguistic and cultural diversity, an enriching feature of our national identity, but profoundly aware of the imperative need to further consolidate our unity, solemnly declare that we constitute one and the same nation, bound by the same destiny, and assert our firm determination to build the cameroonian fatherland on the basis of the ideals of.

It affirms its firm will to build the cameroon fatherland on the ideological base of brotherhood, justice and progress. On 30 october 2016, ivorians will vote on adopting a new draft constitution unveiled only 25 days earlier. The constitution of the federal republic of cameroon promulgated into law on september 1, 1961 by ahmadou ahidjo president of republic of cameroun part i the federal republic of cameroon 1. The constitution of cameroon is the supreme law of the republic of cameroon. With effect from the 1st october 1961, the federal republic of cameroon shall be. In the preamble of the constitution, the cameroonian people, proud of its linguistic and cultural diversity, solemnly proclaimed that it constitutes a single and one nation, engaged in a common destiny. The cameroonian national union cnu french union nationale camerounaise unc was formed in 1966 through a merger of the cameroon union union camerounaise and the kamerun national democratic party, the major political organizations, respectively, of the eastern and western regions, and four smaller parties.